The Rise of E-Learning

The way people learn has changed drastically since the invention of the internet. From learning a new language for your upcoming holiday to studying for a degree, you can do it all online.

E-learning is defined as ‘learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the internet. The term “e-learning” was coined in 1999, along with other terms such as online learning or virtual learning.

Here’s our guide to finding the right e-learning course for you.

What are the benefits?

Rather than giving up chunks of your time to learn a new subject or skill, you can now do it from the comfort of your own home. As it’s all online, it’s very flexible - you can learn at your own pace and study whenever suits you. 

Plus, many e-learning apps and resources are free to download, so you can forget crippling student loans and costly evening courses. 

As well as further developing your personal skills and interests, E-Learning can also be used at work. In 2016, over 78% of organisations used a Learning Management System to help employees gain knowledge, and a report estimates organisations will make the majority of their learning assets available as E-Learning by 2022.  

Is it just for children?

The internet’s educational potential is vast when it comes to getting your kids to do their homework. An Ofcom report shows that for the first time, 12-15 year olds are spending as much time on the internet as they do watching TV - which doesn’t have to be a bad thing. If they’re learning without even realising they are, what could be wrong with that? 

In 2016, the E-Learning industry started to fill up with monsters, superheroes, badges and leaderboards. With the internet, the way teenagers and children absorb information has changed - and gamification is one of the ways they become engaged. Adding gaming elements to systems doesn’t reduce the amount of information they receive - really, it just reinforces the message and makes it memorable. As 57% of millennials play video games at least 3 times a week, making it educational is a great way to keep get them engaged.

But it’s not just school students who can benefit. Thanks to e-learning, it’s much easier for adults of all ages to develop new skills, working around busy work schedules and family commitments. 

Whether you’re picking up new professional skills or learning to read music, online learning is a brilliant mental workout - as Andrew Whitehead says, “The brain is a muscle and if you don’t exercise it, it ceases to function properly.” 

How can I get started?

Whether you’re learning for work, fun, or personal development, here are our favourite e-learning apps:

Looking for reliable broadband to keep up with your learning? Find out about our package deals.

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